AzTC Releases Catalogue in Multiple Languages

AzTC Releases  Catalogue in Multiple Languages

The Translation Centre under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic (AzTC) has published its catalogue in five languages (Azerbaijani, English, Russian, Arabic and Turkish). The Catalogue consists of the following Sections: List of Literary Works Published in Khazar World Literature Magazine and Yol Literary Newspaper in 1989 – 2014; Letters and Diaries; Interviews; Essays, Articles; Nobel Lectures; Memoirs; Translations in the "Celestial Reincarnation” Series; Science, Philosophy,  Literature; and Literary Works Published by AzTC.
Translators who intend to get acquainted with AzTC’s profile and the books translated into Azerbaijani by AzTC, related specialists, as well as students majoring in the field of translation can benefit from the Catalogue.