“Khosrov and Shirin” in New Translation Presented to Literary Community

The Mirza Fatali Akhundov Azerbaijan National Library has hosted the presentation ceremony of the Azerbaijan State Translation Centre’s (AzSTC) new publication “Khosrov and Shirin”, the largest lyric poem by Azerbaijan’s great poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi, in a new philological translation due to the announcement of 2021 as a “Year of Nizami Ganjavi”.
The moderator of the event was professor Karim Tahirov, Director of the National Library. Prof. Badirkhan Ahmadli, prof. Javanshir Yusifli, PhD Zahra Allahverdiyeva and PhD Tahmina Badalova, the employees of the ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami, Azer Turan, editor-in-chief of the “Edebiyyat” (Literature) Newspaper, Ilgar Fahmi, Secretary of the Union of Azerbaijani Writers, as well as public and media representatives were part of the event.
Prof. Karim Tahirov stressed the importance of the work carried out at the State Translation Centre aiming at the promotion of Azerbaijani literature in the world and world literature in Azerbaijan, as well as on dissemination of information about our cultural heritage in Azerbaijan and abroad. “I’ve got acquainted with the new translation of “Khosrov and Shirin” and assessed this edition as one of the most successful projects realized by the Translation Centre in recent years,” the speaker said. Later he noted that from the point of view of the development of Nizami studies in our country, the interpretation and study of the works by the great poet at the level of today's requirements, this translation could be considered as an invaluable tool. The speaker emphasized the importance of the philological translation of other works of the immortal Nizami, noting that the support of this initiative will be an important contribution to the development of philological thought in Azerbaijan as a whole.
Doctor of Philology, Prof. Zahra Allahverdiyeva, scientist on Nizami studies, the employee of the ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami assessed the philological translation and publication of the poem “Khosrov and Shirin” as a very important initiative. She noted that in the work, translated in a highly poetic language, Nizami’s images, plot and story-line peripeties are presented in such a way that they express the spirit of the original. She said that she had read the work to the end and that the translated work was remembered with some new shades.
Doctor of Philology, Prof. Tahmina Badalova, scientist on Nizami studies, the employee of the ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami said that the philological translation of the poem “Khosrov and Shirin” could be assessed as a literary event. She drew attention to the differences between different types of translation, emphasizing the philological translation of classical texts as a complex process.
ANAS employees also shared their ideas and opinions on the presentation of religious concepts, historical context and realities in the original, their ways of expression.
Ilgar Fahmi, Secretary of the Union of Azerbaijani Writers congratulated the entire staff of the Translation Centre on their successful work. He said that it was not easy to take on the task of translating the work of such a genius as Nizami and handle it properly. He shared his views on the specifics of the translation of classical literature, noting that although it had been written centuries ago, it is necessary from time to time to review issues that prevent an interesting rendition of a piece that is modern and relevant for all times.
Doctor of Philology Azer Turan, the editor-in- chief of the “Edebiyyat” (Literature) Newspaper called the publication of this book one of the most successful projects implemented within a “Year of Nizami Ganjavi.” He noted that the successful completion of the philological translation of “Khosrov and Shirin” is an important event in the literary and cultural life of Azerbaijan. He stated that the translator must deeply know the period of the author's life, the literary and cultural environment of that period and the style expression. This moment is felt in the translation. Azer Turan underlined that the translation of the work had been entrusted to Etimad Bashkechid, which is one of the factors determining the success of the project as a whole.
In his speech, Doctor of Philology, Professor Badirkhan Ahmadli drew attention to the importance of periodically updating translated texts. He noted that this book has been the first philological translation of Nizami Ganjavi’s work during the years of Azerbaijan’s independence. Assessing the philological translation of the poem “Khosrov and Shirin” as an important event in the literary and cultural life of Azerbaijan, the speaker noted that the translation of sacred texts and classics is an important contribution to the formation of a translation school in the country, as well as to the process of enriching the practice of translating such works.
Doctor of Philology, Professor Javanshir Yusifli highly appreciated the translators’ work, noting that the philological translation of such a complex poem as “Khosrov and Shirin” is a very responsible and difficult task. “It is clear from the text of the translation that those who carried out this job were able to feel Nizami Ganjavi’s masterpiece in all its details, and most importantly, to understand it,” he said.
At the end, Etimad Bashkechid expressed his viewpoints on the opinions expressed and thanked the speakers and all the participants of the event.
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