AzSTC Magazine’s Next Issue Out Now
The latest issue (3/2019) of Khazar (Xəzər) World Literature magazine has been published.
Highlights of the issue include:
The novel “A Woman's Hand” by Patrick White under the heading of “Nobel Lectures”;
poems by Musa Urud under the heading of “Azerbaijan Literature”; “Parables and Paradoxes” by Franz Kafka under the heading of “The Giants of Literature”; the short story “The Steppe. The Story of a Journey” by Anton Chekhov under the heading of “Russian Literature”; Translation from Torah under the heading of “Celestial Reincarnation”; Vladimir Nabokov’s interview and his short story “Signs and Symbols” under the heading of “Stories”; poems by Federico García Lorca under the heading of “Spanish Poetry”; the novel “Who Killed Palomino Molero?” by Mario Vargas Llosa under the heading of “Novels”; “The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí” by Salvador Dalí under the heading of “Memoirs”; Federico Fellini: Comments on Film: a talk with Giovanni Grazzini, a film researcher under the heading of “Films“; a passage from the novel “Mirror of the Stage” by G.A. Tovstonogov under the heading of “Theatre”; the fairy tale “The Birch and the Star” by Zachris Topelius under the heading of “World Literature for Children”.
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