Salam Sarvan's book discussed on Ukrainian Radio
The program ‘Kultura’ of the Ukrainian radio was devoted to the discussion of a book of poetry The World Is So Shallow to Drown in It by Azerbaijan’s poet Salam Sarvan recently published in Kiev. Lyudmila Lyakhevich, the “Kultura” radiobroadcaster, Marina Qoncharuk, Project Executive Secretary in Ukraine and Lesya Mudrak, Ukraine’s popular poet and translator along with the discussion of the book of poetry, exchanged viewpoints on ongoing literary processes in Ukraine and Azerbaijan, the development of Ukrainian-Azerbaijani literary relations, the Azerbaijan State Translation Centre’s contribution to the promotion of Azerbaijani literature worldwide and world literature in Azerbaijan. At the end of the literary program, Lesya Mudrak, the translator of the book into Ukrainian, recited several verses from the book.
Book “Fuzuli’s Creativity” by Mir Jalal Out in Jordan
The book “Fuzuli’s Creativity” by the famous Azerbaijani writer and literary scholar Mir Jalal, which tells about the works of the brilliant Azerbaijani poet...
Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli’s Creativity in the Israeli Literary Magazine
“Artikl”, the popular Israeli literary magazine, has posted in Russian an excerpt from the novel “In the Crossfire” by Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli, the outstanding...