Leyli and Majnun Showcased at Dnipro International Book Space Festival

A Launch ceremony to promote Leyli and Majnun, an epic love poem by Nizami Ganjavi, published in Ukraine this year was held at the IV Dnipro International Book Space Festival.
Marina Goncharuk, who represents AzSTC in Ukraine, in her opening speech spoke about the Ukrainian-Azerbaijani literary ties and the Centre's contribution to the development of these relations, translations of Nizami Ganjavi's literary heritage and research carried out by Ukrainian scholars.
A representative of the Congress of Azerbaijanis in Dnepropetrovsk oblast, Najaf Ahmadov, spoke about the importance of the event, which serves to develop literary and cultural ties between the peoples of Ukraine and Azerbaijan.
Later on, Ukrainian schoolchildren recited passages from Leyli and Majnun.
The book fair, along with Leyli and Majnun, also hosted a presentation of other books in Ukrainian published by AzSTC, including An Anthology of Modern Azerbaijan Literature (Poetry), I Have Set Myself on the Road of Truth (“І шляхом І стини постав я сам...”) by Imadaddin Nasimi, The World Is So Shallow to Drown in It (І потонути неможливо, неглибокий цей світ”) by Salam Sarvan, and The World Dissolves like a Dream (“Свiт тане, як сон”) by Leyla Aliyeva.
Ukraine’s International Book Space Festival in Dnipro is the only and largest book festival in Ukraine, which provides ample opportunities for innovation in the field of book publishing. The book festival’s organizers are the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Kyiv City State Administration, the Ukrainian Book Institute and the Ukrainian Association of Press Publishers.
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