Archival Video Footage “Ancient Traces of a History From Whence We Came: Albanian Churches” in Foreign Media

Crowd-pleasing global news portals, such as Al-Wasela and (Egypt); Almisbah dorub (Suriya) Iraqnews (Iraq), Alharir (China); Dzayerinfo (Algeria); Banassa (Morocco); Al-Bayader (Palestine); Q8 Press (Kuwait); and Human (Uzbekistan); Rutube and Azerros (Russia), "Kievinform", "" (Ukraine) have posted “Ancient traces of a history from whence we came: Albanian churches” in various languages.
The documentary archival video footage features the ancient history of the Albans who had lived side-by-side in harmony in Azerbaijani territories with Azerbaijani Turks for centuries, and the transfer of the Albanian Apostolic Church to the subordination of the Armenian Gregorian Church on 11 March 1836 under the Decree of the Emperor Nicholas I of Russia.
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