Austrian Ambassador presented with a two-volume book by Franz Kafka.

The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) on Wednesday, 5May 2021, received a visit from H.E. Mr Bernd Alexander Bayerl, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria to the Republic of Azerbaijan.
During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on world literature, including samples of Austrian literature, published by the Centre in Azerbaijani in different years.
“We are always proud of the attention the Centre pays to Austrian literature. A two-volume book “Selected Works” by Franz Kafka, published in recent days, is a special event for us. As far as I know, the first edition of Kafka in Azerbaijan was published by the Translation Centre in the 1990s. And this time a two-volume book “Selected Works” by Kafka has been released. The book published at a professional level in Azerbaijan impressed me, first of all, as a reader, and an admirer of Kafka’s work.
And as the Austrian Embassy, we are planning to hold the book launch together with the State Translation Centre. We will also prepare offers for promotion of this two-volume book and on how to make it available to a wider audience. We would like to thank the Centre, headed by you, and we are always ready to offer any assistance in expanding Austrian-Azerbaijani literary exchanges this year and in the years ahead,” said the diplomat.
In conclusion, the honorary guest was donated Selected Works by the famous Austrian writer Franz Kafka, including his short stories, novels, as well as diaries and interviews, an AzSTC edition in Azerbaijani translation as part of a 150-volume series entitled “Pearls of World Literature.”
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