Leyli and Majnun Showcased at Lviv International Book Forum

Leyli and Majnun, an epic love poem by great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi, published in Ukrainian this year, was presented to the participants of the 28th Lviv International Book Forum. The Lviv Book Forum, held by the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, Lviv City Council and Lviv Regional State Administration, is one of the largest book forums not only in Ukraine, but also in Central and Eastern Europe.
More than 250 authors, publishers, translators, and cultural managers from 21 countries took part in 160 events, 80 of which were held online. Valuable roundtables and discussions were organized on 50 topics.
An honoured guest of the forum this year was Olga Tokarchuk, a Polish writer, Nobel Prize laureate, and a special guest was 93-year-old internationally acclaimed psychologist Dr. Edith Iva Eger, the author of a famous book “The Choice: Embrace the Possible” about the Auschwitz concentration camp.
The book fair, along with Leyli and Majnun, also hosted a presentation of other books in Ukrainian published by AzSTC, including An Anthology of Modern Azerbaijan Literature (Poetry), I Have Set Myself on the Road of Truth (“І шляхом І стини постав я сам...”) by Imadaddin Nasimi, The World Is So Shallow to Drown in It (І потонути неможливо, неглибокий цей світ”) by Salam Sarvan, and The World Dissolves like a Dream (“Свiт тане, як сон”) by Leyla Aliyeva.
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