Virtual World Posts Video Demonstrating Imperial Russian Army Generals’ Impressions About Armenians

As part of Azerbaijan Realities in Virtual World, an Azerbaijan State Translation Centre project has produced a video Imperial Russian Army Generals About Armenians in Virtual World, featuring the real scenery of that time and exposing the hypocrisy of Armenian policy and fascism through reports from Major General Vladimir Mayevsky, a Russian consul and diplomat in Turkey from 1895 to 1913, Lt. Colonel Gryaznov on Erzincan bloodsheds of 1915 and General Ilya Odeshelidze of Georgian origin, who served as the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Russian army that invaded Ottoman lands during the early days of WWI.
The video with subtitles in English, Russian, Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Georgian, French, Ukrainian, Spanish and German languages deals with a cycle of bloodsheds Armenians had committed across Azerbaijan and Turkey, claiming the so-called ‘Armenian genocide’.
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