AzSTC Releases Mario Vargas Llosa’s First-Ever Printed Book in Azerbaijani

The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) is pleased to announce the launch of the book A Collection of Works by famous Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, one of the leading figures of magical realism, and crowned with the Nobel Prize in Literature. In addition to the author's Nobel speech and interviews, the book also includes the novel Who Killed Polomino Molero?, and several short stories, such as The Cubs, The Challenge, The Younger Brother, The Client, The Leaders, and On Sunday.
The translators of the selected works are Saday Budagly and Mahir Garayev, and the editors are Nariman Abdulrahmanly and Aynura Hagverdiyeva.
Mario Vargas Llosa
· Is a worldwide famous novelist, essayist, and public figure;
· Was born in the city of Arequipa;
· Studied Philology at the National University of San Marcos (1953-1958);
· Lived in Madrid, then moved to Paris;
· In 1958, he received his PhD for the doctorial thesis for works by the Nicaraguan poet Ruben Dario, and in 1971 for the most recognized Hispanic writer Gabriel García Márquez;
· Was elected President of PEN International in 1976;
· Has authored many books consisting of novels and plays, among others, TheCity and the Dogs (1963), The Green House (1968), Conversation in the Cathedral (1975), Captain Pantoja and the Special Service, (1978), Who Killed Polomino Molero? (1986), Odiseo and Penelope (2007), The Dream of the Celt (2010), and The Discreet Hero (2013)
· Won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature.
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